Frequently asked questions

Please find details of some of Premex’s most commonly asked questions complete with the answers to guide you through the process.

Who are Premex?

We are a medical reporting agency who have been instructed by your solicitor to arrange an appointment and produce a report. We are completely independent of the parties involved and this ensures you receive an unbiased and fair assessment.

Who will I see at the appointment?

Premex has a panel of independent experts, all of whom are registered with the General Medical Council, are practicing doctors and have the skills and speciality relevant to your injuries. All experts have received training to ensure they have the required expertise and knowledge on medico-legal reporting.

Why does the expert need to see my medical records?

It may be necessary for the independent expert to review your medical records to consider what was written at the time of your injury and to assess if any past history might be relevant to your recovery. In this case we ask you to sign a consent form in order to allow us to obtain a copy of the relevant records.

How long will the appointment take?

This depends upon your individual case, your requirements and the injuries that have been sustained. The appointment usually lasts about 20 minutes. Try to arrive 10 minutes early to allow yourself time to relax.

General Practitioners (GPs) will use a computer throughout the appointment; they are simply entering information about your injuries. This allows the independent expert to produce a report in real time during the appointment.

What will I be asked?

The appointment will not be embarrassing or uncomfortable and the independent expert will guide you through the whole process. They will ask you about your incident, any treatment you may have received and the impact on your everyday lifestyle. The independent expert will then ask to appropriately examine the relevant areas you have described.

What happens if I have already recovered?

The independent expert will still take a full and detailed history but you may not require a physical examination.

What should I bring with me?

You must bring:
  • Your appointment letter.
  • Two forms of identification, one with a photograph. This identification can be your passport, birth certificate, driving licence or a utility bill.
You may also want to bring details of any previous or on-going treatment or medication related to your injuries. For example – Physiotherapy.
Please write down in advance any questions you may have for the independent expert. A physical examination may be required, please wear appropriate clothing.

Can I bring someone with me to the medical appointment?

You are welcome to bring a relative or friend to the appointment. If you are under 18 you must be accompanied by an adult.

Can I obtain a copy of my medical report?

After your appointment, the independent expert will complete a report and send a copy back to Premex and your solicitor. The independent expert will detail the injury, any previous treatment, a review of the medical history, prognosis and further recommendations. Your solicitor will send you a copy of the report to ensure it is an honest account.

If you need any further information about your appointment please do not hesitate to call Premex on 01204 478 361.

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